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"Collision Specialists - Since 1989"


Victor's Body & Frame

Victor's Body & Frame stays dedicated to customers and welcomes in new ones by offering coupons and discounts! Check out the current coupons we offer and request an appointment to get started today!

10% Off Your First Purchase
Our auto body shop welcomes new customers by offering them a 10% discount on their first purchase.
Call Us Today for a Discount!
Not valid with any other offers or promotions.

(713) 370-2733

(713) 370-2733
Up to $500 Insurance Discount
Our shop gives up to a
$500 insurance discount for February.
Call Us Today for a Discount!
Not valid with any other offers or promotions. Restrictions apply. Must mention this coupon at the time of scheduling.

(713) 370-2733

(713) 370-2733
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